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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

From Midland to Shreveport

On March 2, 2000, my dad and I leave Midland Texas with a new set of fuel injectors and off we go on to Altanta.

We finally jump back on I-20 eastbound, and it took forever to get through WEST TEXAS. We finally pass Abilene before the sun sets. It gets dark where we pass I-30, I-820, I-35W, Fort Worth, Arlington, Dallas, I-35E, I-45, I-635, and out of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. In East Texas, we encounter a massive thunderstorm and we were tuned into KRLD-1080 for the latest weather reports. We were worried that we were going to be caught up in the eye of the storm, but the strom passed by the time we got to Tyler, Texas.

More success came when we got into Louisiana. Just outside of Shreveport, I see big bright lights at the Isle of Capri Casino to my right, right off I-20. We pass Shreveport and stop for a late late dinner at a Denny's.

I fall asleep after a midnight dinner and my dad and I stop at a motel just east of Shreveport. I fall asleep again and I don't get to enjoy the news from station KTBS.

Next Stop, ATLANTA!!!!!!!!

Stuck in Midland

On March 1, 2000, a few things stood out in mind: I had CNN to watch at a Chevrolet dealership in an effort to get my car fixed, I had all the soda I could drink, and I was going NOWHERE on this day.

I learned that it would take over a day just to get the new fuel injectors shipped from Dallas to Midland to get my Chevy Cavalier fixed. I waited all day at the dealership for nothing.

In the end, I get a nice dinner, all you can eat salad, and local news from several Midland-Odessa television stations in my Holiday Inn room. I at least got a different perspective on how West Texas covers the news.