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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dreaming of Texas

Saturday Morning, I had a dream where I was traveling down I-20 and I-30 in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area. In the dream I found myself being a passenger in a car where the Westbound Western leg of I-30 was full of potholes. I didn't like the bumpy ride that I was on.

In reality, a co-worker of mine who is from Texas says that the freeways of Dallas are magnificent and have NO potholes. The freeways are free of trash and litter. In reality, that's the kind of city that I want to visit someday.

In reality, on Sunday sportswise, good news and bad news. The good news: The Dallas Mavericks beat the Miami Heat to win the NBA championship. The Bad News: The University of Texas knocked off Arizona State in the 3rd game of the Austin Super-regional, knocking them out of the playoffs for the rest of the season (NO college world series trip to Omaha this year).

Zach Irwin 6.14.2011 sports demo.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

scary river dream

I had a dream where I was swimming fast and furious in a river where I was trying to avoid a watersnake.

In my dream, the watersnake was chasing me that I was afraid that it would bite me. I was pushing myself so hard to pull up out of the river. When I did, I woke up.

Zach Irwin 6.11.2011 sports demo

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Zach Irwin 6.9.2011 sports demo

Scary Dream

I had a dream this morning from 7a-9a where I was in Arizona on a trip and I went swimming by diving in from the deep end.

As the day became nighttime, I discovered I lost my phone. Later on in the dream, I discovered that somebody stole my phone and that my phone was being held for ransom.

My friends were making fun of me for not having my cell phone in my hand. I would have had to tell my wife that i lost my phone because of something stupid that I did, and then, I wake up.

Zach Irwin 6.8.2011 sports demo