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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Zach Irwin 7.30.2011 Sports Demo B

Dreaing of soda again

I my latest dream, I don't know where I am when I'm in front of a cup of soda. This time, I am seduced by it and start drinking sip after sip after sip. Oh oh oh it tasted so good. After a while, I started feeling guilty again and blew my long held streak of not having any soda.

In reality, I have not had a soda since May 1, 2011. I am working really hard to make it at least 100 days without drinking soda. I will be so proud of myself when I achieve this milestone. I need to keep drinking my water so that I stay healthy and hydrated.

In reality, I did good by not being tempted by a sprite at a birthday party today. I admit I got to thinking about having a sprite without any caffeine. Tempting indeed.

Zach Irwin 7.30.2011 Sports Demo A

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dreaming of Coffee Again

In my latest dream, I am at work in the break room. In this dream, I've done what I used to do a lot in real life: Get a cup of coffee and pour cream and artificial sweetener in the cup.

This dream was a little different again. I take a sip of coffee and I like it. It tasted good to me. Just after I did that, I had a "what have I done" moment. I immediately regret drinking that sip of coffee. It was then that I realized that I blew my streak of 87 days of not drinking coffee, soda, or caffeine of any kind.

In reality, Since May 1st, 2011, I have NOT had a sip of coke, pepsi, coffee, or caffeine of any kind. I'm at DAY 88 of my impressive streak. I have not had this long of a stretch without even a sip of soda since High School or when I was 8 years old.

Zach Irwin 7.29.2011 Sports Demo A.M.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jon Stewart makes fun of CNN again

Zach Irwin 7.27.2011 sports demo b

Another dream of coca-cola and McDonald's

For the second time in the past week, I had a dream where I was at a Mesa, Arizona McDonald's and I had an extra value meal with a coca-cola cup in my hand.

I can't remember if I ate a big mac or a quarter pounder with cheese. Both of those sandwiches are good and tasty. I was feeling good about myself, and so I start drinking some coke. It tasted good. Before you know it, I felt guilty because I ruined my streak of 80+ days without drinking soda or caffeine.

Also in this dream, I was returning to work in that McDonald's as a second job. It was a place I worked for over 7 months in 1994 and 1995. I was worried about juggling my main job with that secondary job at the McDonalds in Mesa.

In reality, I only eat McDonalds every once in a blue moon. Today, a big mac extra value meal costs almost $6. Right now, I don't drink coke, pepsi, coffee, or caffeine anymore. Today is Day #88 without any caffeine in me. I don't remember going this long without soda since either high school or when I was a little kid.

Zach Irwin 7.27.2011 sports demo a

Monday, July 25, 2011

Zach Irwin 7.25.2011 sports demo B

Southern Nevada Transportation upgrades?

Combo work, school, cooking dream

I had a dream where my school assignment was to grill and pan fry chicken legs and flat pieces of chicken and edit two packages.

I was reading a manual on editing and I had two grills of chicken going on at the same time. It was crazy that I would even begin multi-tasking when I'm not great at it in real life.

In my dream, I've also yet to begin editing my two packages. It's equivalent to me falling behind in my previous school dreams.

Near the end of my dream, I get good at cooking up chicken legs and chicken breasts. I even brushed some barbecue sauce on both grills of chicken.

In reality, I work as a video editor for CNN, and I have been out of school for over 11 years. I don't see myself going back to school for anything.

Zach Irwin 7.25.2011 Sports Demo A

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Zach Irwin 7.23.2011 Sports Demo B

Tour De France coronation?


Next Travel: Rome, Georgia

For the first time in 4 years, I'll be in Rome, Georgia. I'll be traveling to State Mutual Stadium to see the Single-A Rome Braves for the first time since 2007. I don't know a single player on that roster, and I don't know how to get there just yet.

I'm going to print out the directions from here at work so that I can get our group of 4 together safely.

Here's to the beginning of future successful travels going forward, and Go Braves!!!

Next Travel: Rome, Georgia

For the first time in 4 years, I'll be in Rome, Georgia. I'll be traveling to State Mutual Stadium to see the Single-A Rome Braves for the first time since 2007. I don't know a single player on that roster, and I don't know how to get there just yet.

I'm going to print out the directions from here at work so that I can get our group of 4 together safely.

Here's to the beginning of future successful travels going forward, and Go Braves!!!

Zach Irwin 7.23.2011 Sports Demo A

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Have fun traveling through San Diego this weekend.

Here's what I edited for TV today.

I'm dreaming of an NFL season

I don't know what I'd do without NFL football on Sundays. I've never known life w/o a regularly scheduled game (except for the week of 9/11/01).

Dreaming of California State Route 91

In my dream this weekend, I was driving along the express toll lanes of Eastbound CA-91 in Orange and Riverside County, California. Later on in the dream, I see that there is also a commuter train in the middle of the freeway. I thought that it was cool to have a 91-express train on the freeway.

Later on in the dream, I'm in a news-editorial meeting with producer Noelle Pedraza and Ann Curry of NBC. I didn't know what was going on or being said, nor did I know where the train was taking us.

In reality: I've only seen trains in the medians of Chicago Freeways, and I hear that the tolls are really expensive on the express lanes on the 91 Freeaway in Southern California.

Also, Someday, I would love to visit Southern California again. This time, I'm bringing my sweet wife Kelly along for the ride.

Zach Irwin 7.21.2011 sports demo

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm so glad I-405 is open again in West Los Angeles

I worked on this today: Darren Clarke wins the British Open

Sports Dreams for Monday

I hope the Braves beat the Colorado Rockies and gain some ground on the Philadelphia Phillies. I wanted Team USA to beat Japan in the Women's World Cup Final, but that didn't happen today. I hate to say it, but I think Japan wanted it more and the United States played scared at the end.

Traveling to Oklahoma

In a little over a month from now, my wife and I are getting set to travel to Oklahoma to see my mom and my family.

In addition to seeing my family, my wishes are to travel into Tulsa and Oklahoma City for some fun. I want to be able to share that with each member of my family.

The only thing I can think of to do in Oklahoma right now is to want to go to a rib joint and eat some sweet, saucy ribs.

My dreams are also to see a Tulsa Drillers game and a Oklahoma City Red Hawks game in the week that I'm there.

This will be the longest amount of time I've spent with my family since I rediscovered them 2 years ago. My trip awaits.

Dreaming of Daniel T. Cat again

In my dream this morning, my late cat Daniel looked like he wanted inside. He looked as cute as the day I got him for years ago. When he got in, he started play fighting with Gadget. They love to play fight with each other and I loved just looking at Daniel.

In reality, I woke up very late this morning and Daniel is still no longer with us. I miss him every day, and I do what I can to keep his memory alive with me every day. We love you Daniel T. Cat.

The Best Dokken Song Ever!!!

Zach Irwin 7.16.2011 Sports Demo

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Sports Wishes for Sunday:

I wish that my Braves, Diamondbacks, and Padres all WIN. I want to include the USA Womens' soccer team defeat Japan to take home the World Cup Championship in Germany.

I wish that the NFL Lockout is over soon so that we have a season. I need my Chargers and my friends' Falcons to do well over the course of 2011.

Dreaming of San Marcos again

This morning, I had a dream where I was a field producer for ABC News for a story in San Marcos, California. Along the way, I met some lady where I was thinking about buying a house near one where I lived when I was 7-9 years old. I was getting set to pull out my business card to this lady who was a real estate agent, but I couldn't get it out of my pocket.

In reality, I still live in my home in Acworth, Georgia, and on October 1st, I will have lived in that house for 10 years. I've never lived in one spot for that long in my entire life. I'm so glad that I don't have to move anytime soon.

My dream destination in my retirement years would be on a Southern Coast in the future.

Zachary Irwin 7.16.2011 sports demo

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Crazy dream this morning

I was dreaming that I was moving to Winnipeg with my wife and my dad. I don't know why we were moving to Canada. It seemed like we were up in North Dakota or something and that Winnipeg, Manitoba was a hop, skip, and a jump away. Never mind that it was dark outside in my dream.

In reality, I've never been to Canada, and only the Atlanta Thrashers moved to Winnipeg and became the Winnipeg Jets.

Zach Irwin 7.14.2011 sports demo

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Zach Irwin 7.13.2011 Sports Demo

dreaming of a new schedule

When I had an awesome dream this morning, I was dreaming that I had weekends off on my new editing schedules that were coming out in the next few weeks. They were so good, I dreamed the same dream again.

In reality, I only have Tuesday and Wednesday off. For the forseeable future, I'm relegated to having only Tuesday and Wednesday off. Such is life for a person like me working in TV.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dreaming of...drinking coffee?

Monday Morning, I had a dream where I was drinking coffee with my mom, and I immediately had some regrets in drinking it.

In reality, I'm on Day 71 without drinking coffee, soda, or anything with caffeine in it.

Zach Irwin 7.12.2011 Sports Demo

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Zach Irwin 7.5.2011 Sports Demo

dreaming of past colleagues

Sometime this morning when I was still asleep, I saw Missy Moore pass by me as she was going up an escalator, and I couldn't grab her attention.

Later in the dream, I meet up with someone whom I interned under, Former KNXV sports anchor and now Fox Sports Arizona reporter Brad Steinke. He seemedlike the coolest guy in the world.

In reality: I wake up, play my XBOX 360, play with Gadget M. Cat, and realize that I still have a lot of work to do if I want to get on the radio. I have to continually work on my voice as I write new scripts for news and sports.

I still dream of being on the radio.