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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Yet another dream about work

I had another dream where I got hired on an a computer worker with Turner Broadcasting. The workspace was set up like a college classroom complete with 1998 style PCs all over the room. I don't know what my job entailed, but I remember that I got hired on just two weeks after I got laid off from CNN.

In reality: I am still unemployed, and I am continuously on the search for a new job. I fully intend to get everything out of my severance package that I earned for 11 years of service to CNN. All I know is that I'm determined to find a new job or to find my true calling in life.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Zachary J. Irwin 11.21.2011 audio only sports udate 2

Dreaming of Phoenix and Tampa

For part of my dream, I was inside Phoenix International Raceway and I was driving my Mercedes Benz SLK 230 with the top down. After a while, I was inside racing my car without a seat belt. I felt very good about myself inside my car and I was racin'!!!!! After I was done 'racin', I was driving into downtown phoenix.

Last week, I had a dream that I was in Tampa during Super Bowl week. I saw an overhead image of the old Tampa Stadium on TV. I briefly remember highlights from Super Bowl XVIII which was played inside Tampa Stadium.

Before the undetermined super bowl game was played inside shiny Raymond James Stadium, I realized that my car was stolen. I didn't know how it happened. After a while, I find myself walking to a Jack in the Box restaurant that was shaped like a temporary trailer, and Matt Roper was sitting there eating dinner. I called the cops to get my car back. After a while, Matt told me that Michael Pollack took my car as a prank. I frantically called the cops to stop the search for my car and that Pollack would give my car back to me.

Somewhere in the dream, I was looking for parking for the Super Bowl just minutes before the game. After that, I woke up.

In reality: I haven't been to Phoenix since 2009, and I haven't been to Tampa in 2009 either. I have been to the parking space of Raymond James Stadium to see a spring training game at Legends Field back in 2006.

Zachary J. Irwin 11.21.2011 audio only sports udate 1

Monday, November 14, 2011

My first dream of work - post-CNN layoff

Sunday Morning, not even 48 hours after I got laid off from CNN, I had a weird dream about work. I dreamed that i was looking at ALL the CNN schedules for us editors. In the dream, I was looking for any overtime I could get my hands on. Later in the dream, I tried to get out of one of my overtime sessions after learning that I had the weekends off again.

In reality: I woke up and realized that I am no longer a CNN employee. I take on this challenge with enthusiasm and a sense of duty. I pray for the strength to continue on and pursue my dreams with a passion. At the very least, I want to do everything I can to support my family.

Zachary J. Irwin 11.14.2011 Sports Update Demo 3

Zachary J. Irwin 11.14.2011 audio only sports udate 1