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Saturday, June 29, 2013

This is not a dream come true for me or anyone in Phoenix

Phoenix hits 119; Hottest day since 1990 - CBS 5 - KPHO

a trio of dreams

I had some dreams where I was with a long-time high school friend of mine, I was back to work at The Weather Channel, and I was at a panel discussion about same-sex marriage at CNN.

In my dreams, I hadn't seen my friend whom I went to Red Mountain High School in years since I moved to Atlanta.  We hung out together in Phoenix/Mesa and picked up right where we left off, just like old times.  We caught up on each other's lives and how far we each have come since 2000.

Next, I dreamed that I returned to work at The Weather Channel.  I brought in my green badge and performed a few edits for the morning and afternoon shows.  I reconnected with one of my former bosses/producers and I forgot what we discussed.

Finally, I dreamed that I returned to CNN as a worker.  I sat in on a discussion about the Supreme Court's rulings on the same-sex marriage issue.  I remember that one of my former bosses at led the group discussion and I remember being fascinated by it.

In reality, I have not returned to work either at CNN or The Weather Channel since I came to work for WGCL-TV in August 2012.  My immediate goal is to become a producer and advance from my status as an editor.  I promise to reconnect with my high school friend from the 1990s via facebook.

Zachary Irwin 6.29.2013 sports update demo a

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Will my Phoenix hockey dreams come true or not?

Distant video replay of 2013 #24: .38 special's "Like No Other Night"

Dreaming of work again

I had a short dream where I was working with some old friends of mine at the CNN Center.  I even got along with someone on an edit project whom I had some troubles with in the past when I worked in feeds.  I forgot what I was editing at CNN in the dream.

In reality:  I will stay on with CBS Atlanta News and get the writing/producing training that I need in order to advance my career.  With a baby on the way, I have to do better to provide for my family.

Zachary Irwin sports update demo 6.27.2013 a