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Thursday, February 20, 2014

In honor of my 516th post, signs for I-516 in Savannah, Georgia

In honor of my 515th post, I-515 from Las Vegas

Distant Video Replay of 2014 #7: Old KTSP Commercials/Promos (1987)

Dreaming of Las Vegas again

Early on Wednesday Morning, I had a nice dream where I was traveling again.

I was inside an airport either in Atlanta or Phoenix to board an airplane to Las Vegas.  I think I was inside Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport since the floor was made of carpet.

I was running around all over the airport in order to find my terminal and find the airplane I needed to get on.

Somewhere along the way in my dream, I don't even remember flying as I suddenly got transported to the Las Vegas Strip.  I was in my happy place in my dream.

As I got settled into Vegas, I met up with one of my best friends from my CNN days.  He is a Vegas expert and I really wanted him to take me under his wing.  

What I wanted even more in Vegas was a nice buffet table to hit up.  I had visions of prime rib, roast beef, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, and Pepsi dancing in my head.

As I was moving down the line in the buffet at this unnamed restaurant, I was smiling all over inside.  I couldn't believe what I was eating.  It was really yummy.

In reality, I woke up again.  I woke up to my alarm to get ready to take care of my son Ben.  I have a solemn duty to feed him, take care of him, make him happy, and soothe him when necessary.

I have not been to Vegas since I was 31 years old back in 2007.  That has been the only time I've been there since I was an adult.

I have dreams of traveling again someday.  So far, I have a couple of places that I put in a hat that I want to go visit again someday.

This year, I have an opportunity to go to Iowa to see one of my best friends get married.  That is my only trip planned for 2014.

For family, I want to go visit Middle Georgia and Northeastern Oklahoma sometime this year too.

One of my newest co-workers told me this great piece of advice.  That advice is that no matter where you go on vacation with your new baby, you are also taking the work with you.

So, going to the beach with a new baby would be very challenging.  I've seen people post pictures on Facebook taking their new babies on vacation and to the beach.  I think that will be fun as long as our whole family put a lot of sunscreen on.

For now, I'll go back to Ben and daydream with him as I take care of him today.

I love you son :-).