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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Journal Entry for April 21, 2015

     Today is one of those days that I feel like garbage.  I did it to myself, and I have nobody else to blame.  I don't get enough sleep most nights, and last night was another one of those nights.

     Earlier today, I failed to fully change all four fluorescent light bulbs on my kitchen ceiling.  I felt like a sad, angry, miserable failure at home.  It's on me to finish that job that I started.  I did not get it done.

     When I bought my home in 2001, I took ownership in it, at least I did in name and paper only.  I did NOT take full ownership in knowing how to take good care of it.  That may be a decision I regret later on.  No matter who lived with me in it or not, it's on me to get it right and get it fixed.

     I am trying to think of the good things I've done before I come into work today.  I bought the lights from LOWE'S, I bought Ben some Mayfield Milk from Walmart, and I bought a paper and a new notebook from Walmart as well.  My writing and logging skills will thank me later on.

     Once I got to work, I apologized for my failure at home.  I also told a producer that she didn't look at her video when she assigned it to our group for edit.  I feel bad about doing that now.

     At the same time, I believe we need a new, stronger producer or two that will get us all on the right path.  I want great producers who will take the time out to look at the video so we get the best, and more important, the right elements put together for air.

     My claim to fame at work today was to rush an edit for the KIA plant shooting from West Point, Georgia.  The video that I used came from the LaGrange Daily News website.  I successfully captured it from my PC into AVID.  I transferred it to air on time and under budget.  I will practice my very writing by what else, writing a couple of sample stories from that breaking news.  I want to get better at news writing for TV.

     On days like today, it's the small victories; the minor victories can get me through just about anything.  Minor victories could one day turn into major victories for both today and for the future.

     Also, I want to thank my wife for getting me through the rest of my day.  She finished what I started.  She completed my job of installing the fluorescent light bulbs in the kitchen.  She didn't have to do that, but I'm glad she did.  I owe her big time for that.  Gandalf can see at night again.   Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!

     I love my wife.

     My time came to relax sometime after 6:30pm.  In no particular order, I do my Facebook, TV watching, Candy Crush Saga, dinner, coffee, and sports watching in no particular order.  Braves baseball on the TV got me pretty excited.  I was getting through the part of editing the 11 PM show as the game was going on in the background.

     I should be more motivated to write some more sample scripts from the day's news, but I'm not.  I want to decompress from banging out 2.5 hours worth of news video as part of a team.  I have to go go go for the first half of my day.  Every once in a while, I breathe and then get my rhythm and second wind again.

     Thank God "The Young and the Restless" is on at 3PM while I'm working.  I need some silly drama to get me through all the bad news of the day.

     As I was watching the Braves on TV, I got depressed by how little they were scoring against the New York Mets.  It got to be too much to bear on this night to where I didn't file the final score in my notebook.  I could not do it.  If I did, I would have put a sad face next to it.

     If I have one wish for tonight and many more to come, I wish for a healthy family, a healthy baby, and for my San Diego Chargers to have a place to call home in San Diego.  I have so many good memories of success from my NFL team based in San Diego.  I can't think of anywhere else I'd want to see them play.

     If for some odd reason my CHARGERS "bolt" for Los Angeles (no pun intended), I'll reluctantly root for them.  It will never be the same if they leave San Diego.  It would be like me rooting for the Winnipeg Jets who moved from Atlanta, for the Los Angeles Clippers who moved from San Diego when I was a kid, and for the Houston Rockets (who also moved away from San Diego when I was not even born yet).

     I beg for my San Diego Chargers to stay, please stay.  That's my dream (that and a Chargers' Super Bowl Victory).

Distant Video Replay of 2015 #33: New Edition's "Earth Angel" (1986)