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Thursday, September 21, 2017

A good dream gone bad: Me seeing my chargers lose and watching Blake cry


Journal Entry for the Week in Review for September 5 - 11, 2016

MONDAY:  Labor Day was a fun day with my family.   Blake (seen here), Ben, and I played the drums before I had to go to work.  I don't recall what all I did at work today, so I guess it must have been good.

TUESDAY:  Ben went to Preschool, and I stayed home with Blake while my wife went to work.  I get to see him walk around, play on his yellow fun chair, and feed him some lunch.  We even watched some of his favorite cartoons and baby shows together.  I love to see him smile and be happy.  I was on diaper duty as usual too.

Below, you see some photos of Blake taking a nap while I was trying to feed him some lunch.  He didn't look to interested in the proceedings of eating baby carrots and peas.  I really wanted to feed him.  I did.  Instead, it looked like I just took pictures of him napping in his high chair.  He would have to wake up so that I could pick up Ben before I had to go to work.  

After I made the sprint to pick up Ben from school and get back home, I had to get to work on time.

WEDNESDAY:  I don't remember a whole lot happening here.  I failed to take some pictures of the day.  I think we watched "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" and I tried to read the Washington Post and Tulsa World on my tablet.  Oh yeah, I went to work again.

THURSDAY:  Big day for me:  Blake is smiling!!!!  and Eating!!!!  and High-fiveing me during lunch!!!!!

Also, it's the start of the NFL season.  I might watch the Super Bowl 50 rematch of the Carolina Panthers at the Denver Broncos.  This is where I don't want anybody to win because I am a fan of two teams that play in those same divisions.

See above (again).  Blake is happy and healthy.  Soon, that happy baby will have to come with me to get Ben from Preschool before I have to go to work.  Don't worry, I promise to get more Ben pictures on my blog soon.  After I got back home, it's time for me to go back to work.

FRIDAY:  Don't worry.  They are wearing pants.  While my wife is at work during the day, I want them to have fun and be safe at the same time.  My dream is to take them both out to lunch at Mickey D's (McDonald's).  I want them to have the finest happy meals and the best playtime I can get them before I have to work my regular shift.

SATURDAY:  WEEKEND!!!!!  better yet for later on tonight:  DATE NIGHT!!!!!!!  Don't get me wrong, I love my children.  At the same time, my wife and I need a break from them so that we can re-charge our batteries to better serve and take good care of them.  I know how loud my 2 boys get during the day.  I mean, they have their moments.  I am not so concerned about the day's college football proceedings at all.  I mean I've watched some football, but I know that it's not the most important thing in the world to focus on right now.

SUNDAY:  Today is the start of NFL Sunday!!!!!  I would get to see my San Diego Chargers play, a little bit of my B team, the Atlanta Falcons, and I may or may not see my C team (Arizona Cardinals) play.  While I try to read my Bible and take care of Blake at the same time, I want to see my teams play (and win).  See some photos below of Blake smiling and sitting well in his high chair, Ben playing with his 'instruments', and Gandalf sleeping in his little kitty mansion.

I was sure feeling good about myself when the Chargers were leading the Kansas City Chiefs on the road 21-3 before halftime.  I was feeling really good because Wide Receiver Keenan Allen was having the game of his life for my team and the Chiefs were looking lost when it came to them having the football.

Then, the bottom feel out.  Keenan Allen left the game with a non-contact knee injury, and it looked so bad, he would be lost for the season.  That was a bad sign of things to come for my Chargers.  It wasn't that they were going to have a tough season.  They were going to struggle to finish the game, and they did.  Losing Keenan Allen had a major mental effect on my team and they let the Chiefs come back on them.  Kansas City went on a 30-6 run to bet my Chargers 33-27 in Overtime.  Every time the Chiefs needed a first down, they got it.  When my Chargers needed a first down, they didn't get it.  

I hope this loss isn't a sign of things to come for me this NFL season.  

Also, the Falcons lost (I didn't see much of that game), and the Arizona Cardinals lost to Jimmy Garrapolo (NOT TOM BRADY) and the New England Patriots (DIDN'T SEE THAT GAME).

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Journal Entry for the Week in Review for August 29 - September 4, 2016

PHOTO:  Ben is practicing his drums in time for something good.
CREDIT:  Zach Irwin

I'm looking forward to a week full of excitement, and anticipation in time for the 2016 football season.  I'm hopeful that my Sun Devils, Chargers, Falcons, and Cardinals somehow all make the postseason.  We'll have to see what happens.  In the meantime, I'll do whatever it takes to foster my sons' creativity both inside and outside the home.

MONDAY:  As it is with all Mondays, I stay home during the day while Kelly works.  I try not to get distracted with TV, my Kindle, and my iPhone.  I try to do my very best with taking care of my boys Ben and Blake.  Ben and I were playing drums.  Actually, it was pretty much all Ben playing drums.  I gave those to him.  I had to pretend to be a drummer with my hands in the air.  I have visions of Ben becoming a good musician. 

I don't remember a whole lot about work today.  Sadly, I remembered the late Gene Wilder.  He passed away recently and I remembered him in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".  That was one of my favorite movies he starred in.  I don't remember him too well in "Young Frankenstein" and "Silver Streak".  Now it came back to me.  I remember him in the 1974 comedy classic "Blazing Saddles."  He was funny, old, and yet he was taken way too soon.  R.I.P. Gene Wilder.  Since I don't remember anything about work today, I hope to do it again tomorrow and make it memorable.

TUESDAY:  Today was music day in hour home.  At least it was for a while before we had to take Ben to school.  He seems to enjoy school from what his teachers told us last year.  One of my most important jobs is to take Ben to school and get him there safely.  The same thing applies to when I have to pick Ben up from school and get him back home safely.  I can't imagine how I would ever feel if Ben was hurt in a car accident.  I don't even want to think about it.  I'll stop now.

I'm thinking about how close we are to the start of football season.  Four days are left before the first Saturday and 12 days before the start of the first Sunday of the NFL season.  I can't wait. 

See the pictures of my boys holding guitars from the Guitar Hero and Rockband video games.  Before you know it, they'll play with my real guitar.


There are times where I can make Blake happy.  Other times, I'm pretty useless in that category.  He's going to have a million dollar smile for years to come.  You watch.


Try as I may, I did nothing memorable at work today, so I will try yet again to be my best tomorrow.  It's early, but I'm three days away from FRIDAY!!!!!  FRIDAY!!!!!

WEDNESDAY:  I don't remember.  Both boys were home and I had another uneventful day at work.

THURSDAY:  I don't remember again. 

Now I remember.  Ben was in school during the day and Blake was tackling Big Teddy.  I tried to be a good daddy while I was home before I had to pick Ben up from school.  After that, it was off to work.

Today would also mark my last missed opportunity to see my Padres play their last series (and their last game) ever at Turner Field.  My Braves swept the Padres earlier today.

I guess College Football season unofficially kicked off tonight.

FRIDAY:  Today was toy day at the Irwin home.  Check out my pics from earlier in the day before I had to go to work this afternoon.