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Sunday, June 18, 2017

3 weird dreams all coming together

These three dreams all happened last night and this morning as I was on the living room couch:  dreaming of moving into An apartment, breaking down on I-40 and talking to an FLDS-like family, and hosting thanksgiving dinner with my father at my Acworth, Georgia home.

The first dream I had was when my dad and a bunch of his friends were home for a Thanksgiving feast.  I remember it was cloudy outside and our house was much smaller than my actual home really is.  I remember a ton of people going in and out of the house for no particular reason.  I think we all had a good time that day.  I don't remember eating anything related to the holiday or anything at all.

My next dream took me back to my early days of living in Atlanta (sort of).  It was at a time where for some reason, I sold my house and decided to move back to Atlanta.  I reached out to Scott and Caitlin Russell on what to do on moving back into my old studio apartment at Post Lindbergh in Buckhead.  I'm the end f that part of the dream, I think I got the advice I was looking for.

Finally, I dreamed I was stranded in northern Arizona with my dad and my son Ben.  Blake was not in my dream this time.  I walked five miles Westbound on I-40 to get help.  After that, I was magically lifted to this trailer home of an FLDS family.  This family dressed like hey we're in the late 1890's and we're living primitively.  I was talking to someone and then the "father" of the family asked me if I was trying to sell him something.  The father dressed like he was in summertime gear from the late 1980's.  I was merely trying to ask for some help.  I don't exactly remember what I needed help with.  All I know was Ben was by my side he whole time.

In reality:  I live in a small house in hopes I can afford a bigger home one day.  I was living in Post Lindbergh in a studio before I bought my house in Acworth, and I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

My main hope moving forward is that ben will always be by my side.