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Friday, October 11, 2019

Distant Video Replay of 2019 #5: Johnny Olson Announces for MG-HS Hour (1984)

I have announcing dreams

Last Friday, I sent out e-mails to Cobb and Cherokee County (GA) school systems about being a PA announcer.  Later that same day, a high school lacrosse coach e-mailed me about announcing the team's games. 

I wanted to tell my family here at home, but I didn't know how to do that.  I worried more about the day care costs for my two sons than I did about my own hopes and dreams.

Maybe tonight during pizza night, I will tell my wife about the new possibility.  I will not let it interfere with my day job as a video editor for WGCL-TV.

In the meantime, I will practice my play-by-play in front of my big screen TV and I will do my sports updates in front of my iPhone just about every other day.

Life is good and it's only getting better. 

In the next month, I will put it out there on Facebook again that I want to be an announcer.  I can't wait to see what the feedback will be.

Dreaming of the Atlanta Thrashers

Last Night, I had a dream where I saw the Atlanta Thrashers on LIVE TV again.  I even had a dream that the Thrashers were my A team.

In my dream, I had dueling A teams i nmy head.  I had the Carolina Hurricanes as my new A team in the NHL.  Out of Nowhere, the Thrashers came back as my A team for a while.  Two A teams from the same Southeast Region of the US.  I could have never predicted that it would happen.

I was traveling Northbound on I-75 in the nice Buckhead section of Atlanta.  I was going past W. Paces Ferry Road heading into Cobb County.

After that, I woke up.

The Atlanta Thrashers were NEVER my A team.  They were my B team as the Phoenix/Arizona Coyotes were my A team for years.

The Carolina Hurricanes supplanted my old A team, the Arizona Coyotes this season.  I get more Hurricanes games on TV than I do Coyotes Games, especially here in the Atlanta Area.

I'm too cheap to pay for an NHL.TV subscription.

Dreaming of people doing my work for me

Wednesday Night, I had a dream where people at work helped me out by downloading video for me after a reporter sent an e-mail out to the entire editing team.

In my dream, I was at "work" at the newsroom which doubled as the CBS46 News Lab.  People actually downloaded video for m on my behalf before I had to even lift a finger.  I was excited, joyful, and happy.  I sat at my desk before I had to do anything. 

Now in reality, I woke up.  When I went to work, nobody responded to the e-mail saying they downloaded video for a story.  The story was about how Atlanta's major sports teams are cursed.

Curses, I had to do more work on Thursday.  Once I got going, I was rolling.  I was able to download video from the 1995 World Series, the 2017 Super Bowl 51, the 2015 Eastern Conference Finals where the Atlanta Hawks got swept, 2011 video of the Atlanta Thrashers moving to Winnipeg, and the 2012 "infield fly rule" game in the 2012 NL Wild Card Game from Turner Field.

I hope the reporter and photojournalist appreciated my downloads and efforts.  In the end, my job is to help people out in addition to editing video.