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Monday, April 6, 2020

Another dream deferred

As I sit here in my chair at the kitchen table, I think to myself 'I should be on a cruise ship.'

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused my family and I to do the right thing and reschedule our trip for next Spring Break.  It is definitely a first world problem.  I mean, if my wife and I have waited nine years to get back on the big boat, we can wait one more.

Our main priorities are our family's health, well-being, and everyone else's health and safety.

My wife and I are able to work from home as long as we need to.  We will do the best we can to take care of our two sons while we're on this home-bound journey.

I'll do my best to entertain them, but their tablets are doing that for them.

I only wish I could take my family on board a cruise so that our sons could see how much fun it is for the first time.

I wanted to ride down the water slides with Ben and Blake.  I wanted my wife, Kelly, to record our slides together.