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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Dreaming of Las Vegas again

 Earlier this week, I had a dream we here once again I was back in Las Vegas.  I was transported to a gaming room that resembled more like a Chuck E Cheese and a Dave and Buster's than an actual casino.

I was working on winning some tickets for a grand prize.  After that, I was working harder to escape from that room and get into a restaurant.  Specifically, I was trying to get into another buffet restaurant.

I don't know what it is about me and buffets (except I like them).

I still felt trapped inside that gaming room with nowhere to go.  I was very stuck.  The exit door seemed so far away and some heavy vending machine kept pushing me further away from the exit.  Yikes.

Still, I could taste the cooked red meat that was waiting for me.  

I felt like I was getting closer and closer to my destination, and before I knew it, I woke up.

I got out of bed early enough to get ready for work and go to work on time at WGCL-TV.

In reality, I'm blessed to be working and providing for my family during this difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic.

I don't get down in the dumps that my family and I aren't traveling on vacation right now.  I know that we are all doing are part to be safe and healthy by staying home as much as possible.

We will travel again one day soon.