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Saturday, January 23, 2010

weird dreams lately

Before my birthday, I dreamed that I was 'stuck' on a long, long layover in Phoenix's Sky Harbor International Airport on my way to a trip to Los Angeles. In the dream I was worried that I was going to miss my connecting flight. I dreamed that I had to slide down a chute in order to catch my plane. As I slid down the chute, I dreamed that I was still not close to my connecting flight and I was going to either miss it or get on the wrong plane.

In reality, I've only had to catch 2 connecting flights from Sky Harbor Airport in my life back in 2005. On one Saturday, I had to catch an America West Airlines fligt from Phoenix to San Diego to start my vacation and another Satuday, I caught a connecting flight from Phoenix back to Atlanta to return home. I've flown into Sky Harbor Airport from Atlanta 5 times to arrive to my Destination of Phoenix for my vacations.

My friend Toby has told me that at least I know about Sky Harbor Airport after flying in and out of it so many times.

The funny thing for me is: In all the years I've lived in Arizona from 1987-2000, I've only flown in and out of that airport one time.

Throughout this year, me and my girlfriend will work on making our traveling dreams come true.

Last Night and this morning, I dreamed that I was on the University of North Carolina campus. My dream made it feel like I was on a high school campus and I was riding my old black bike through it. In the dream, my friend Peter and his sister Liz and I were on our way off the campus to some unknown destination. Before we left the campus, we were in line at one of the 2 cafeterias for lunch, and we were standing in line for a buffet style meal. Next thing I know, I wake up with a headache.

In reality, Peter doesn't have a sister. He has a brother named Mark. I've had 2 buffet style lunches while I was in Oklahoma this week. I was tempted to go to Pizza Hut for lunch yesterday, but I settled for McDonalds. I no longer have a bicycle. The last time I rode my black bicycle was January 17, 1994.

Finally, I took 2 aspirin to combat this latest headache, and I drank some water to help me get well.

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