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Friday, April 9, 2010

Dreaming of baseball success for my padres and the Braves

O.K. so I didn't dream anything, but I envision, or fantasize, about my 2 baseball teams doing very well. I'm frustrated by my 2 teams losses today. And they lost in different fashions.

My Padres got BLITZED by the Rockies 7-0 while the Braves lost in 13 innings to the Giants 5-4.

If it weren't for Dick Enberg calling the Padres game on TV, I'd have quit watching earlier than I did.

I stuck with the Braves game to the bitter end, forgoing bathroom, water, and coffee breaks. Hell, the damn game should have been over in the 9th inning. Billy Wagner is supposed to be lights out, and he gives up the game-tying home run to former Brave Edgar Renteria.


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