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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dreaming of flying

I had a dream where I was on a United Airlines plane to Chicago. The funny thing was that in the dream, I had a layover at DIA (Denver International Airport) and I had a super quick connecting flight to Chicago. I mean, I had 5 minutes to get to one plane to another or else I had to wait until the next morning to board a flight to Chicago.

In the dream, I reunited with a long-time friend, Shane Self. I don't remember what we talked about. I think I calmed him down when there was a massive storm around our plane.

In reality, I have never flown on United Airlines. I flew earlier this month on American Airlines to and from Tulsa to visit my family. I also haven't talked to Shane Self since I moved to Atlanta back in 2000. I hope to try to reconnect with him on Facebook as a friend again.

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