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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dreaming of CNN again

Early this morning, I had a dream where I was working for CNN on a freelance basis. I was editing some video where the National Desk sits. Later on, I was moved to one of my old edit bays where I was working on a package. I was editing a four minute story on something that happened in Orlando, Florida. I don't remember what the story was about. I remember that it was at night, overnight in fact. It took me a long time to get the story put together visually on Final Cut Pro. I don't remember if I had someone check my work before I sent it over for air. After I edited my package, I was watching a late night car chase on TV from the Los Angeles Area. I felt a really good sensation about working in news and enjoying what I did for a living. In reality, I woke up and realized that I don't work for CNN anymore. It has almost been a year-and-a-half since I last worked for Turner Broadcasting. I don't think I've set foot inside the CNN Center since I interviewed for an Associate Producer position last July. Also, I came close to setting foot inside the CNN Center twice this past weekend. On Saturday, I volunteered for the Publix Health and Fitness Expo inside the Georgia World Congress Center. On Sunday, I ran the Publix Georgia Half-marathon, met our friends Pam and William at Centennial Olympic Park, ate at Meehan's Irish Pub, and attended the Deftones Concert at the Tabernacle. I'm going to give everything I have to being the best I can be at CBS Atlanta News.

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