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Monday, April 8, 2013

I had a dream of working at Channel 2

Last Week I had a dream where I worked at a competing television station in Atlanta. Some of the dream felt familiar to me. It combined the staffs of the Weather Channel and CBS Atlanta News. Some of the people from both channels were people that I have worked with and people I currently work with. We were all working as original content video producers for the day. That was where we found the best video to put on the air for Channel 2 Action News throughout the afternoon. Some of the work space was at someone's house, and some of the space was inside a large breakroom complete with MACs and Final Cut Pro. In reality, I woke up still working for CBS Atlanta News as a non-linear editor. I have been with WGCL-TV/CBS Atlanta News since July 2012, and I have been full-time since Last August. I like what I'm doing now, and I'm ready to more for the station that has given me the opportunity to work and make a living once again. Thank you CBS Atlanta News!!!!

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