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Thursday, September 26, 2013

When two dreams collide

One dream came true for me this past week.  I got to take a trip with my wife to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.  All we did on this fun-filled vacation was go to the beach, relax, eat, and go to the beach some more.  I loved every minute of that.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about that vacation.  It is most special now because it will be the final vacation we take before our baby will be born later in the year.

In my dream during the vacation, I dreamed that I was moving back to Escondido California.  It would mark the first time since 1987 (aged 7 in the dream) that I would return to live in California.

In the dream, it is present day 2013 (aged 33 in the dream) that I would drive down Center City Parkway to begin my new life in California.  Along the way, I would pass by the state route 78 interchange, pass an old U-Totem store, and talk to kids along the way before finding a place to live.

In this dream, it would mark the first time in my life that I have successfully returned to a place that I had moved away from.  Moving away involved me moving by my dad's choice or by my choice.

In reality, I live in Acworth, Georgia with my beautiful life Kelly, my cats Gadget and Gandalf, and my future son.  I had an awesome time in Hilton Head Island.

There were two highlights to my vacation.  The first highlight was going to the beach and swimming out in the ocean at least once a day.  The other highlight was "judging" free samples of steak, shrimp, other meats, and steak from four of the finest chefs of Hilton Head Island.

Kelly, the baby, and I will return to the island one day in the future.

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