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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Baby dream

Earlier this week, I slept well and I had a dream where I was at a place I've only been to once before in my life.

In the dream, I was with my wife before she was set to give birth to my first child.  Before the baby would be born, I had to go to the bathroom.

My need to go to the bathroom and not be able to go overrode my desire to see my baby enter the world for the first time.  I wished I could have flipped the switch and just 'held it' or not think about it and focus on the delivery.

In reality, I am less than two months away from being a father to a live baby for the first time.  In a special way, it is a dream come true for me that I have a family of my own.  It is a family that I have always wanted.

In the end, my wife helped me find my mother's side of my family for me.  For that, I owe her everything.  I live you Kelly!!!!!

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