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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sunday Dream - a mystery wedge from a "Wheel of Fortune" game

Sometime Sunday Morning, I had a fascinating dream about my favorite game show of all time, Wheel of Fortune.  I've had many, many dreams from that game show.

Wheel of Fortune has been the Game show I've had the most dreams about in my life.  I can't think of any other game shows I have ever had dreamed about or had dreams about.

This one was more along the lines of the facebook game that I've played.  In my dream, there was a RED $1500 mystery wedge that I could spin for.  It had a French phrase on top of the wedge called "La Brouche."  I've never heard of that word before, and I don't even know if it's a real word.

I don't know what was to be on the other side of that mystery wedge.  I suspect that there would be a Bankrupt space or a Big Big money space on the other side.

In reality, I've played the Facebook version of Wheel of Fortune a couple of times this week.  I don't have enough gold coins to upgrade any of the wedges on the wheel right now.  I'm hoping to replace my $2500 space with a $3500 space.  I hope I can pick up the $1000 mystery wedge and add to my Facebook winnings.

I'm many games from being a Wheel of Fortune Millionaire on Facebook.  I achieved a $1,000,000 grand prize on my XBOX 360 game.  I never won the big prize on the Nintendo Wii, but I am a career millionaire on that platform.

Time for me to dream big and then play big.

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