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Monday, September 22, 2014

Dreaming of two California baseball jobs and an airport

Over the weekend, I was involved in a deep sleep.  This was one of those rare days where I could sleep in and enjoy a well-deserved rest.

In this dream, I was set to work in the press box at Dodger Stadium and Angel Stadium in Southern California.  It was never determined what those jobs were supposed to be.

My first job in a press box was at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles during the daytime hours.  I remember having fun working with a crew I worked with in 1999 in Phoenix.  I still don't remember what I was doing though.  I remember sitting far out in the outfield during the preparation for a day game before I knew what I was doing.

After that assignment, I was en route to Anaheim for another game at Angel Stadium.  On my way to that game, I was headed to an undetermined airport for some reason.  I was driving my old 2-door Mercedes-Benz coupe to get to the stadium.  Somewhere along the way, I drove to the airport.  Not only did I drive to the airport, I drove through the airport.

I'm not sure why I did that.  One of the people I recognized was a photographer from CBS46 in Atlanta.  I was sure I was getting my car towed for parking my car inside one of the airport shops.  I pleaded my case to get my car back.  Unfortunately, no such luck for me.  My car was being taken away from me.

The next think I know, I was headed out to the desert. I'm not sure why I was going there.  I heard something on the radio that there was a traffic jam in Irvine, California.  I recognized a voice in my ear, a voice of a CBS46 newscast director complaining about the mispronunciation of Irvine.  He complained that it was being pronounced as "ER-VIN" when it should be "ER-VINE."

In reality, I woke up.  I haven't been back to California since 2008.  I haven't been back to both Dodger Stadium and Angel Stadium as a baseball fan since 2007.  I have never worked in either stadium for anything.

One day, I have to return back to California, Dodger Stadium, Angel Stadium, and Petco Park for good measure.

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