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Sunday, January 18, 2015

I had a weird dream about CBS

I don't know how to describe this one.  I was walking around with what I believe were cast members of "The Young and the Restless" from the early 1990's.  I didn't recognize any of the cast since I haven't been watching the show until 2012.  In some weird way, I felt that I knew the cast my entire life.

Along the way, I was following some people around in trying to get a job with CBS out in Los Angeles.  After all, L.A. has been my dream market my entire life.  In reality, I don't think I'll ever live there now that I have a family in place here in Georgia.  I guess I can still dream in my sleep.

Somewhere along the way in my dream, I was going from one room to another inside this big house.  Somewhere in that house, my dad popped up again.  I thought he had passed away nearly eight years ago.  For some reason, he came back to life to somehow rescue me from something.  I hope that I didn't anger him by transforming the house into something me and my family could live in and make our own.

I also had a dream where I was trying to run up to one of my TV heroes, Weatherman Kevin O'Connell.  As a kid, I remember watching him on Channel 4 in Southern California.  I don't remember all the weather reports he did, but I remember him as a silver-haired charismatic TV man.  As a kid, all I wanted to do was be on TV.

In reality, I am happy to be in TV today.  I'm more behind the scenes in editing news videos for CBS46 and here in Atlanta.  I hope to do more great things in 2015.  Right now, I'll learn as much as I can about editing and take it as it comes.

Life is good.

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