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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Scary dream for me indeed

Early this morning, I had a dream where I was at an unknown place paying an unknown bill.

It was scary for two reasons.  It was at least a $300 bill and it was a bill I had no cash to cover it all.

It was something I'm trying to avoid in real life.  Not the bill itself, but for the way I was paying for it in my dream.

In my scary dream, I whipped out my old credit card to pay off my bill that I owed.  I had a bad feeling about it once I got the plastic out.

It's something I never want to do in my dreams or in life ever again.  I owe it to myself and to my family to be completely clean and clear of debt.

Looking back, I still can't remember what I did to have to stand in a long line and pay something that cost over $300 with a credit card in my dream.

It was made worse when I had brought my wife and children with me.  It was truly a humbling day and time.

In reality, I have not used a credit card all year.  I truly cannot remember the last time I've used credit to pay for something or to get through anything.

I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to get myself out of debt.  I owe it to them (no pun intended).  I have long term goals that I want to reach with my family.

In the end, those trips, dining experiences, and new things for our home will truly taste better after being paid for with cash.

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