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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Journal Entry for April 20, 2015

     Dateline Monday.

     I am ill.  I am physically ill.

     Not one day after returning home from vacation, I am miserable.
     I don't know what it was about being home for the first day back from a wonderful vacation.  I honestly don't remember what all went down.  Either that or I am just that good in blocking it out.

     The one thing that I remember about my drive into work at CBS46 was I got pelted by hail on the Canton Road Connector en route to I-75.  I didn't need any further damage to my vehicle since I got sideswiped on I-285 last year.

     I felt so helpless on my way to work I didn't know what to do.  It was a good thing the hail had passed once I got a mile into the freeway.

     Once I had gotten into work, I got into the routine of editing videos for the 4, 5, 6, and 11pm newscasts.  This is good where I have to work fast, not necessarily the best, in order to get the job done.  The motto for me at work is this:  Make Slot.

     After I finished the newscasts, I engaged in some serious NHL playoff playoff action on TV.

     I re-remembered that I saw a high-speed chase from Southern California.  I was having some fun tracking it via CBS Newspath.  I also followed the chase from some of the local TV station's feeds via their websites.  I get a kick out of talking to producers telling them where the chase is and where it is heading.

     That story is all coming back to me now.  It started with a stolen BMW from my hometown of Escondido, California.  It went up all throughout I-15 going North.  The "chase" stretched into the Inland Empire, the High Desert, Victorville, Barstow, I mean the driver could have gone to Las Vegas.

     I saw several instances where the cops tried to stop the car only to pull back their efforts.  Cops presumably pulled back so that they could maintain the safety of other drivers on I-15.  The news helicopters could only stay on the chase for so long before they ran out of fuel.  Eventually the chase would end, but I would not see its glorious conclusion anywhere.  The choppers had to refuel.

     My reward for doing a good job at work on this day:  to go home to a loving wife, son, and cat.

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