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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dreaming of the Superdome and WSB-TV 2

Earlier this week, I had a pair of dreams that seemed to run into each other, or at least go back-to-back as I was asleep early in the morning.

The first part of my dream took me inside the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans.  That was where I saw a major league baseball game be played between two undetermined teams.  As I was sitting in the upper deck of the dome, one of the advertising signs also acted as a window to the outside of the building.  I believe it was an ALTIODS sign that acted as a window to see daylight on the outside.

IN REALITY:  I've never seen a game inside the SUPERDOME nor have I ever been to New Orleans.

The second part of my dream was where I was hanging out with WSB-TV's Jovita Moore.  I believe it was inside the superdome.  I also believe that I saw night light from wher eI was standing.  We were chatting just like we were old pals an everything.  I don't remember what we were talking about, but I'm sure it was a pleasant conversation.

IN REALITY:  I've never met Moore nor have I ever worked for WSB-TV.  I interviewed for an editing job there more than four years ago.  I might have dreams of working over there one day.  I don't know if my dream was a sign that I should be working there one day.  Right now, I'm in a good place here at WGCL-CBS46.  I dream of nothing but good things for my family.

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