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Saturday, October 27, 2018

No other dreams have come to me lately

For most of the last month, I have been going to sleep and waking up like clockwork.

Every night, I wake up (again like clockwork, no pun intended) to the alarm clock that goes off at 12:25AM.  That is in order for me to get ready to go to work.

I lave the house be 1AM in order to get to work on time by 2AM.  Clockwork people.

It is in between 7PM and 12:25AM that I haven't had anything to dream about.  Nothing.  Zero.  Zero, zip, zilch, nada!  It's almost as if nothing is happening.  I don't know where I am.

My past staples of dreams that included Las Vegas, traveling, winning big money, eating tasty foods, driving on a California Freeway, fearing that I missed an exam and several classes in school, and returning to Arizona State University in Tempe, are all missing.

I wonder if I'm stuck on a hamster wheel or a treadmill that gets me nowhere.  I may be stuck in a routine that I can't break from. 

No matter how I'm feeling at the moment, I have to make sure that I'm doing everything that is in the best interest of my family. 

In the end, unless something dramatic happens, I'm doing the right thing by staying where I'm at in my job from 2-11am Monday through Friday.

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