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Friday, December 14, 2018

Dreaming of a better 2019

This year was one of the hardest of my professional career.  In some way, I was supposed to celebrate 20 years of getting paid to work in television.  I really wanted to.  I wanted to put a big "2 0" somewhere on social media to celebrate my milestone.  I never did because I felt bad about what I did and did not do this year.

I had trouble creating projects on my own at work.  Rather than me be successfully innovative, I had to resort to my 'old ways' of creating projects on the old AVID system for the first half of the year.

The next part of my pain was with deletions/media management.  I felt so bad about myself and was made to feel bad about myself for failing to get to the 70% capacity threshold for usage by the end of my workweek on Fridays.  I didn't feel that I had anywhere to turn.  I had to answer to my manager about my failings.  At times, I felt like I ducked and ran for failing to met my 70% threshold.  I even got written up for it last year.

The only thing that saved me from further pain was getting a new AVID system.  Because of that, I was off the hook for deleting media until a later date.  That date would never come because there was a regime change in my immediate management team here at work. 

As of this writing, I'm still not fully trained (yet) on how to delete media in the new system. 

I took a class on how to delete media the right way and have had two sessions on how to do it with my new managers.  Soon, I will be back to deleting media the right way again.

So after feeling sorry for myself and wallowing in self-pity, I feel a little bit better now.

So, I give you this for the end of 2018:


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