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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Dreaming of weight loss

I dream of losing a lot of weight. 

After I returned from my Myrtle Beach vacation, I ballooned to 205 pounds.  I knew I had to make some changes in my diet and my life.

On Monday, I went to the gym to run on the treadmill and do some abdominal crunches.  I want to lose weight and get a firmer stomach.  I went back again on Wednesday and I plan to go back again today. 

I have eliminated soda and sugar from my diet.  I am working on limiting the amount of fried and fast food that I put into my mouth.  I'm committed to drinking more water.  I'm having a tough time eliminating coffee and juice from my diet.

As of today, I've dropped to 200.1 pounds.  I would live to get to my valley weight of 169.5 pounds in the near future.  I'm dreaming of that now.

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