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Monday, June 29, 2009

After all these years, I finally talked to my mother

Saturday, June 27, 2009, I said the one word I never thought I would say: "mom". It was a huge surprise and a great relief to hear her voice for the first time. I didn't know how to react at first because it was so new to me. I'm still getting used to saying "mom" and will later figure out what to call her current husband. Like I said I'm working out the conventions on that one.

We told our life stories to each other as quickly and clearly as we could. She lives in Oklahoma while I live in Georgia. Life is good for the both of us. We each have our roots firmly planted in our respective places of residence today.

I've got 3 siblings and countless relatives that I never thought I had. I have a nephew that is looking to play college baseball sometime next year and I have 2 nieces that are models. I look forward to meeting more of my family in the coming months.

I thank my best friend in the world, my girlfriend, Kelly Sanders, for making this reunion happy and possible.

I've sent her pictures of myself and my girlfriend. I look forward to seeing what she looks like. I'm just so happy that I'm going to see my mom really soon. I don't remember seeing her when I was a baby.

1 comment:

Helen Orcutt Photography said...

It will be nice to see you again Zachary. I've only seen you twice, when you were 6 months old and when you were 3 years old.........Helen