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Monday, June 29, 2009

Surviving I-16

I commend Kelly for doing that drive that stretches from the beginning at MLK Drive in Savannah to the end at I-75 in Macon. I was tired that I fell asleep in the car for a while. I hope my sleeping on the road when I am not driving is not an indication that a freeway is boring. However, I would like to see a Best buy on the side of the freeway just to have something to look at.

The only things that stand out on I-16 are a Cracker Barrel and a Longhorn Steakhouse in Dublin, Georgia. There are a few gas stations off the road on I-16. We hit one of them to refuel on Saturday.

I've been on I-16 from Start to Finish 3 times in my life.

Back in my homestate of Arizona, I've been on I-17 from Start to Finish and back (Phoenix to Flagstaff to Phoenix again) at least 6 times.

Another boring stretch of freeway I've been on is I-5 from Oceanside, CA to San Onofre, CA. Camp Pendleton owns the land in Northern San Diego County...hence, not much development there.

Happy driving to all of you and I'll be back on the road for work later today.

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