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Monday, February 25, 2013

Distant video replay of 2013 #15: "Channel 2 News Open"

Distant video replay of 2013 #14: R.E.O. Speedwagon's "That ain't love"

Dreaming of Las Vegas and future success again

This morning, I had a dream where I met up with a former colleague while I was in Las Vegas. We were both walking down to what appeared to be a federal courthouse and he was giving me some advice on how to be successful. I wanted to hear more from him, but he went into the courthouse and disappeared. Later on in the dream, I was walking down the Las Vegas Strip looking for a nice place to eat a buffet meal. I was feeling the pull of friends and family dragging me along while I was in search of something that resembled an endless supply of prime rib. I settled for a place to grab some Pepsi. The first casino was charging me $5.50 for a 32 oz. cup of Pepsi. I say no way. The 2nd casino I went to was worse. That unnamed casino wanted to charge me $8 for a 32 oz. cup of Pepsi. In reality, my cat Gandalf woke me up and I 'felt' obligated to give him attention, my lap, and my time. I really like Gandalf. He can be one of the sweetest cats I've ever met. In reality, there will be a day that I return to Las Vegas, have a good time there, have some great meals, and if I'm lucky, win at some of the finer casinos in the city.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Had a dream about Los Angeles and Freeways

In reality: I slept a lot and woke up really, really late this morning. I went to bed at midnight and woke up just after 11am this morning. In my dream, I was driving down the 110 Freeway in Pasadena and I was getting set to make a turn onto I-5 southbound. In the dream, I was driving into this tunnel to lead me to I-5, and I did so very, very slowly. In the dream, I was driving with Kelly and I was driving as slow as a crawl inside this dark tunnel. Later in the dream, I was walking around some other major freeway interchanges in the Los Angeles Area. I was walking around some unnamed interchanges when it was sunny outside. I didn't care if I didn't know what they were or where I was exactly. What I remembered was that the quality of the material that made all the flyover ramps came directly from Arizona. They were peach/beige in color compared to the standard, usual gray color found in most California freeway interchanges. In reality, here's what the 110 Southbound to I-5 interchange looks like:

Monday, February 18, 2013

Zachary J. Irwin 2.17.2013 Sports Update Demo 2

Dreaming of Phoenix and my family

This morning I had a dream where I saw my father and my mother in different scenes in the Phoenix Area. For some reason, I was trying to dig up some information on them, and thankfully I didn't find anything. Along the way, I was driving Eastbound on I-10 in Chandler, Arizona ("Southbound" to be map correct)and I was driving by the Loop202 & Pecos Road stack interchange. I saw signs for it as if it were 2013 and that the Westbound Extension of the Loop202/South Mountain Freeway was never to be built in my lifetime. Here's the best illustration of my driving dream below: on of my driving dream below: In reality, my dad is still deceased, my mother is alive, and I want to visit her again soon. I have been to Arizona in October of last year, but I didn't quite make it to Chandler. I made it to Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria, Tempe, and Sedona.

Zachary J. Irwin 2.17.2013 Sports Update Demo 1

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Distant video replay of 2013 #13: KNBC/The Channel 4 News 1988 Newscast Intro

Distant Video Replay of 2013 #12: Breathe's "Does She Love That Man?"

Zach Irwin 2.16.2013 sports update demo 2

Distant video replay of 2013 #11: Peter Cetera's "One Good Woman"

Dreams come true #3, my first shot at being a live producer

Saturday Night, I got to sit in the booth for a live sports show here at WGCL-TV/CBS Atlanta. I got to feel like I was a live show producer for the hour even though I did none of the prep work to get the video on the air beforehand. I like working in the control room. In my position as a video editor, I don't get many opportunities to work in there. I do my best to make the shows look perfect in my position. I work to get my videos perfect and make sure my peers' videos are perfect as well. I look forward to my next shot as a 'producer' in the control room. I'm going to work towards a goal to become a producer in the coming months (maybe years). I just have to work hard and be patient. Sunday will be another day of editing for the 6:30pm and 11pm newscasts here at the station. I can't wait to see what videos I have to work with then.

Zachary J. Irwin 2.16.2013 Sports Update Demo 1

Monday, February 11, 2013

test 1

Dreams Come True #2, my friend Joe Mattern on TV for a CBS Atlanta News story

CBS Atlanta 46

Dreams Come True #1 - my edited video on Kennesaw Gun Law, part 2

CBS Atlanta 46

Dreaming of a bad crash in the San Fernando Valley

The above image is where my next dream begins. I'm driving down I-5 South to I-405 South into the San Fernando Valley. I drive at a high rade of speed for me, between 75-85 miles per hour. I don't know where I'm going nor do I know what my destination is at this point. Later on in the dream, I get off the 405 at an unknown exit. My best guess is that it would be this exit below.
Somehow, I get off the freeway at another high rate of speed for me, 60 MPH while taking a hard right off the freeway. I lose control of my car where the car steers itself, I end up on the passenger side of the vehicle, and I pull into a car lot, miss a few cars for sale, then crash into the front door/glassway of a dealership. Later in the dream, I had to convince my insurance company to cover the cost of the car that I damaged. It turned out to be a 1990's style Cadillac which would sell for $25,000. In the dream, I thought I got off cheap. In reality, I haven't had a car crash of any kind since 2002. I haven't been to Los Angeles since 2007 or to the State of California since 2008. I hope to go back to both someday. One final note: I'm an excellent driver.

Dreaming of the Suns and Padres

I had a dream where I was in the media lunch room at US Airways Center at halftime of a Phoenix Suns/Toronto Raptors game. I walked in there without a media pass or a credential. I breezed in there with ease. I met up with an old colleague of mine from my Cox Communications Days. I went to see Rich Reid; he and I chatted about something, but I don't remember what it was. Looking out the window, it was dark outside. One minute, I saw a blue tennis court in the dark with night lights. Later on, I saw the playing court of the Phoenix Suns when they battled the Toronto Raptors to start the third quarter. Later on in this dream, I was listening to a Toronto Blue Jays/San Diego Padres baseball game on a 1990's style radio. My Padres were down 8-0 to the Blue Jays. I saw in an online in-game box score, I saw that one of the relief pitchers gave up 7 earned runs in 1 and 1/3 innings of work. That "7 spot" came in the third inning of that game. In reality, I woke up and i see that the Phoenix Suns are in last place in both the Pacific Division and in the Western Conference at 17-35. My San Diego Padres finished 2012 with a 76-86 record and didn't end up in Last Place in the National League West. I'm optimistic about the 2013 campaign for my Padres. I hope my optimism extends to the Suns going into next season.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Distant video replay of 2013 #8: Paul Carrack's "Don't Shed a Tear"

Distant video replay of 2013 #7: Jude Cole's "Baby it's Tonight"

Dreaming of ASU again

This morning, I had a dream where I was back at ASU again. I wa on my way to the Memorial Union while picking up a free copy of the "State Press" and getting some of the best college food to eat. Later on in the dream, I was on my way to the Student Recreation Center in the middle of the night to go and work out. I was all set to go, then some unknown person in the dream interrupted me and took me away from the destination I was intending to go to. In reality, I was back in bed and ready to wake up after Gandalf woke me up. I haven't been an active student since 1998. I was back on the ASU campus with my wife this past Fall. I showed her around some of the places I used to hang out at, where I studied, and where I did some of my best work as a student. Somewhere along the way in my dream, I'm being told that I like newspapers and food. That is true in my life to this day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dreaming of Phoenix, sort of

This morning, I was in Arizona with one of my old college friends and mentors. He had some friends that were Green Bay Packers fans. In this dream, those Packer fan friends of his were about to have a baby. I was on my way into the delivery room ready to take some pictures of the impending child birth. In reality, I woke up. I haven't been back to Phoenix since October. I haven't seen my friend from college since my college days at Arizona State back in 1998. I hoe to show him that I'm a good runner someday. In reality, there's no way I'd ever be a Green Bay Packer fan. Go Chargers!!!!!!

Dreaming of Escondido

Monday Morning, I had a dream where I was back in my hometown of Escondido, California. I was in a big van down Center City Parkway with my wife, mom, sister Gena, and an unidentified passenger. I wanted to invite my whole family to live with me in California and have fun with me and enjoy life where I once did, most of the time. In reality, I woke up. I haven't been to Escondido since my dad died back in 2007. The last time I was in San Diego was in 2008. I hope to go back there with my wife again someday.