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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Had a dream about Los Angeles and Freeways

In reality: I slept a lot and woke up really, really late this morning. I went to bed at midnight and woke up just after 11am this morning. In my dream, I was driving down the 110 Freeway in Pasadena and I was getting set to make a turn onto I-5 southbound. In the dream, I was driving into this tunnel to lead me to I-5, and I did so very, very slowly. In the dream, I was driving with Kelly and I was driving as slow as a crawl inside this dark tunnel. Later in the dream, I was walking around some other major freeway interchanges in the Los Angeles Area. I was walking around some unnamed interchanges when it was sunny outside. I didn't care if I didn't know what they were or where I was exactly. What I remembered was that the quality of the material that made all the flyover ramps came directly from Arizona. They were peach/beige in color compared to the standard, usual gray color found in most California freeway interchanges. In reality, here's what the 110 Southbound to I-5 interchange looks like:

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