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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dreaming of ASU again

This morning, I had a dream where I was back at ASU again. I wa on my way to the Memorial Union while picking up a free copy of the "State Press" and getting some of the best college food to eat. Later on in the dream, I was on my way to the Student Recreation Center in the middle of the night to go and work out. I was all set to go, then some unknown person in the dream interrupted me and took me away from the destination I was intending to go to. In reality, I was back in bed and ready to wake up after Gandalf woke me up. I haven't been an active student since 1998. I was back on the ASU campus with my wife this past Fall. I showed her around some of the places I used to hang out at, where I studied, and where I did some of my best work as a student. Somewhere along the way in my dream, I'm being told that I like newspapers and food. That is true in my life to this day.

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