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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dreams come true: My Phoenix Suns have a new head coach

My Phoenix Suns made it official:  They hired Jeff Hornacek to be the team's new head coach.

I admit, it wasn't a name that I had sought after when rumors of a Suns' head coaching search got underway after their season ended.  Names like Vinny Del Negro, Stan Van Gundy, Mike Brown, and Byron Scott jumped out at me before Hornacek's name came into the discussion.

Over the weekend, I got wind of Hornacek's impending hire to the team through the AP wires, social media, and sports reports from the internet.

It took a few minutes for the phrase "Suns Head Coach Jeff Hornacek" to sink in.  Thankfully, they are imbedded into my brain.

The hiring of Jeff Hornacek gives Suns fans something that the Interim Coach Lindsey Hunter didn't:  hope.  I didn't get the sense that the Suns were going to be any better after they dismissed Alvin Gentry as Head Coach after a 13-28 start to this past season.

In some way, bringing in Hornacek makes sense.  Hornacek was part of the Suns' turnaround in 1988 after the Suns suffered through three straight non-playoff seasons (as well as the infamous 'drug years).  Hornacek can be part of the turnaround at the top after the Suns have gone three straight years without making the playoffs.

Hornacek was part of the 4 player trade in 1992 that brought Charles Barkley to the Valley.  Barkley and the Suns made a historical run through the 1993 playoffs before losing out to the Chicago Bulls in Game six of the 1993 NBA Finals.  Hornacek's arrival to Phoenix brings him full circle.

The difference between October/November 1988 and today is the talent level on this team.  The Suns brought over Tom Chambers via free agency and the team had a good core group of young talent for a bright future.  Today's team doesn't have as much talent at this time.  The Suns will have to build through the draft with the many picks they have and hope to supplement that with the addition of quality free agents.

It would be a stretch to bring in the high-caliber players like Chris Paul and Dwight Howard to come to the Valley of the Sun.  An NBA team is one (or two) players away from instant contention.  Just look at the Suns from 2003-04 and 2004-05 with the Addition of Steve Nash.  The Phoenix Suns rose from the ashes, rising from 29 wins to 62 wins.

The Suns have a ways to go before they can run to the playoffs again.  At least they have a coach that has paid his dues, has played the game, and has a winning history with the Phoenix Suns.

Dreaming of working and living in New York

Over the weekend, I had a dream where I was living inside a Manhattan loft.  I had this weird, cool sensation of living by myself and being a single guy.  It seemed like I was living a carefree life in my mid-20's living in a big city.  In real life, when I was 24 and 25 years old, I lived by myself inside an apartment at Post Lindbergh in Buckhead (Atlanta).

In my dream, I was working for WABC-TV in an unknown capacity.  In real life, I was working as a Video Journalist, game logger, and feeds coordinator for CNN in Atlanta.  In my dream,  the highlights of living in Manhattan were that I could look out my expansive window and look out to the city and the streets.  In real life, I could see the Atlanta skyline as well as the parking lot out my window.  I could even open the doors to what passed for a balcony.

In my dream, I looked forward to getting the Sunday papers from Newsday and the New York Post.  In  real life, I had a subscription to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution every single day.

In reality today, I love my life and can't imagine living by myself ever again.  I look forward to living with the love of my life, my wife, Kelly Sanders Irwin.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dreams of me being in San Diego County

I had two dreams that I was somewhere in the San Diego Area both night and day. The night dream of me in San Diego consisted of traveling Westbound on I-8. In that journey, I was traveling to see some lady about dieting advice. It turns out that I had already bought a diet plan and I couldn't get out of paying for it. After I bought the diet plan, I went South on a street, made a u-turn, and made a trip westbound again on I-8 before making a transition onto I-805 in Mission Valley. Over the weekend, I had a dream where I was traveling up I-5 Northbound in San Diego County. I approached an inspection station on the freeway, and I saw a Mexican restaurant in the median in addition to the usual inspectors on the road. During my 'inspection', I was greeted by CNN Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and Former CNN Anchor T.J. Holmes. I don't remember what we all talked about, but I think they were friendly to me. In reality: I haven't been to San Diego in almost five years and I don't expect to travel there again anytime soon.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dreaming of being a producer

Last week, I had a dream. I had an awesome dream. I didn't mean to quote Billy Ocean, but I did. I had a dream where I was basically told that I can become a producer. I had producers and reporters talk to me in my dreams that I can accomplish this great goal that I have in real life. In reality, I have started taking steps to this goal. It's almost like an epiphany if you will. I know that I have to do more than just be a video editor for the rest of my career. The steps that I have taken so far are practicing my writing, studying the day's news rundown to see how a show gets put together, and submitting sample scripts to the producers and writers to get their feedback on my efforts. I will sum up my writing efforts as follows, two "good jobs", two suggested improvements, and one 'watch what you say and how you say it.' Part of my problem is self-motivation. I have to overcome that in order to get to the next level of my career. I have to get out of my editing comfort zone and try new things. My boss even told me that he wants more than just VO/SOT cutters before he ultimately hired me. I'm going to do everything I can not to let him down and I will make him proud of me. Starting again on Sunday, I will practice my script writing and I will get some feedback on my work. Let the fun begin.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Dreaming of an ever-expanding career

My goals, hopes, and dreams for the forseeable future are to stay on with WGCL-TV/CBS Atlanta News and work my way to becoming a writer/producer. I want to do more than just be a video editor, but at the same time I appreciate the skills and talents that I have with being a non-linear editor. I want to add more skills to my arsenal such as writing, show producing, video arranging, and collaborating with team members inside the newsroom. I have some experience in tease writing for future stories inside a newscast. I have suggested two teases to my producers in the evening newscasts. One story was about air fare based on weight and the other was about a soccer stadium scoreboard fire. This weekend, I'll be back at work after two days off as part of my weekend. I'll edit videos for the 6pm and 11pm newscasts. In addition to my duties as an editor, I will practice writing stories. I'll write stories that our photographers shoot around Metro Atlanta and I'll write stories that come from the AP wires. I'm going to be a good writer someday. Practice makes perfect, and I'll be as close to perfect as I can. My journey to career progression continues.

Zachary Irwin 5.3.2013 sports update demo a