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Monday, May 20, 2013

Dreams of me being in San Diego County

I had two dreams that I was somewhere in the San Diego Area both night and day. The night dream of me in San Diego consisted of traveling Westbound on I-8. In that journey, I was traveling to see some lady about dieting advice. It turns out that I had already bought a diet plan and I couldn't get out of paying for it. After I bought the diet plan, I went South on a street, made a u-turn, and made a trip westbound again on I-8 before making a transition onto I-805 in Mission Valley. Over the weekend, I had a dream where I was traveling up I-5 Northbound in San Diego County. I approached an inspection station on the freeway, and I saw a Mexican restaurant in the median in addition to the usual inspectors on the road. During my 'inspection', I was greeted by CNN Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and Former CNN Anchor T.J. Holmes. I don't remember what we all talked about, but I think they were friendly to me. In reality: I haven't been to San Diego in almost five years and I don't expect to travel there again anytime soon.

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