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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dreaming of working and living in New York

Over the weekend, I had a dream where I was living inside a Manhattan loft.  I had this weird, cool sensation of living by myself and being a single guy.  It seemed like I was living a carefree life in my mid-20's living in a big city.  In real life, when I was 24 and 25 years old, I lived by myself inside an apartment at Post Lindbergh in Buckhead (Atlanta).

In my dream, I was working for WABC-TV in an unknown capacity.  In real life, I was working as a Video Journalist, game logger, and feeds coordinator for CNN in Atlanta.  In my dream,  the highlights of living in Manhattan were that I could look out my expansive window and look out to the city and the streets.  In real life, I could see the Atlanta skyline as well as the parking lot out my window.  I could even open the doors to what passed for a balcony.

In my dream, I looked forward to getting the Sunday papers from Newsday and the New York Post.  In  real life, I had a subscription to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution every single day.

In reality today, I love my life and can't imagine living by myself ever again.  I look forward to living with the love of my life, my wife, Kelly Sanders Irwin.

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