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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Baby Number Two dream comes true

On July 26, 2015, I became a father for the second time.  I welcomed my new son Blake into the world with open arms.  I cried like a baby just like he did when he left his mother's womb.  See my beautiful baby and the happy father down below.

I got to see doctors clean him up and get him ready for his new life.  I even saw him pee for the very first time.

My wife went through some great pains, labor pains that is, in order to ensure delivery of our new baby boy.

We, more like she, were in labor for parts of three different days before the pain meds kicked in for her.  I was watching some baseball (Dodgers/Mets) before we decided to turn off the TV and focus on the task at hand.

My wife thought that it would be a bad idea for Blake's first words to be about the New York Mets.  I wanted Blake to hear from either me or Kelly.

I wanted to hear what my new son had to say.  He said "wah" a lot.  He said it a lot when he had his first bath.  This time, I was there to see him get cleaned up.

My family is now complete.  I'm so happy that I have two great boys at home.

I miss these boys right now and I can't wait to see them again when I get home later tonight.

My wife is doing an excellent job in taking care of them in my absence today.  I soon hope to have weekends off so that I can spend more time with them.  They deserve it.

I love you Ben and Blake :-)

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