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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dreaming of New York again

This morning, I was in the middle of an amazing dream of me working and living in Manhattan.  I was weaving in and out of sleep in this dream.  I was watching my son Blake sleep and then I went back to sleep again.

In my dream, I was going Northbound in Manhattan.  I was traveling inside a big bus/firetruck.  I was part of a camera crew for some TV show.  I was dreaming of working in Television News in the Big Apple.

I remember in the dream that my primary job was to shoot video of exteriors for a TV show to be filmed in Los Angeles.

Along the journey of my bus ride, I was humming the NBC theme and ID to a fellow passenger.  He was impressed how good I was at doing that.  I must have secretly been desiring to work for NBC over at 30 Rock.  In real life, it was a dream of mine when I was a little kid.

I was getting into a groove.  I was shooting tall buildings with my lightweight video camera, then something happened.  I woke up.

At home, it was 7:45 in the morning, too late for me to keep sleeping.  I had to get ready so that I could get my son ready for the day.  I had to get the milk ready for Ben and the coffee ready for me.  Then something else happened, Ben slept it.

He sometimes takes after his daddy.

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