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Friday, November 13, 2015

Dreaming of Vegas baby! (With baby in arms)

I knew this was a dream because there's no way I go home winning big money.  I knew it was a dream because in the end, I told myself so.

The dream was me being in Vegas at an unknown casino/hotel.  Somewhere in the dream, I remember seeing an old RV in the middle of the casino.  I knew that an RV didn't belong there.  It seemed very strange to me.

I played a game I don't remember and each time I played, I won money.  I progressively made more money each time I played it.

I know what I would do in real life if I had that kind of money.  I didn't know what I was going to do with the dough I accumulated in my dream.

Moments later, I woke up with my baby son Blake in my arms.  I slept as well as he did after my wife left for work.

I love my babies even more than I love sleep.  Oh sleep, Ben, and Blake, how I miss you all.

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