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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Journal Entry for April 22, 2015

The best part of my day is always when I see baby Ben in the morning.  I get to see him smile, burst out with energy, and see his happiness shine through.  Of course it doesn't hurt that he gets a warm yummy bottle or a sippy cup of milk and a clean diaper.  I love singing the Clean Diaper song to him.

Next in our day of fun is father son time.  We get to enjoy each other.  We like going to the living room and playing with his toys, watching cartoons, and me catching him walking on our couch.  An even better part usually comes later after breakfast.

After I have fun making Ben's breakfast and watching him eat it, we get ready to go to the park.  I love feeding him.  It's one of my favorite jobs of being a daddy.

I really love driving by my favorite city landmark here in Acworth.  I do it on the way to Cauble park.  I drive by Henry's Louisiana Grill and once I see that, I know to turn left to go to the park.  Near the end of the drive, I see a view of Lake Acworth.  Once I see that, I turn right to the parking lot and get ready for outside playtime.

Once we are at the park, Ben and I start out on the swing.  For the entire time we're at the park, I am wearing the diaper bag backpack.  I wear it out of fear and respect.  I fear that i would be unprepared on the one day I don't have it on me.

I spend at least 20 minutes with Ben out on the swingset.  I don't face him most of the time I'm there. I try to look at him when I can.  I love hearing him giggle and have a good time when he's on the swing.  I love to see how high I can push him, but not too high.  I don't want him to fall off or have something bad happen to him.

One of the fun things I get to do with Ben is see him walk and run around the little kids' playground.  He's starting to show signs of being able to climb the steps to some of the places on the playground.  I make sure I shadow him very well so that he is safe.  I try to give him as much freedom to move around and be a kid as I can.  I have to be a good steward and be a step quicker to catch him in the event he goes somewhere he's not supposed to be.

I know now I am too big to enjoy some of the playground like Ben can.  One of my favorite toys at the park that I can play with is the spinner on one side and Ben looking at a series of things spinning on the other.  I like to spin and twirl things and Ben like it too.  I guess he takes after his daddy in that regard.

After I let Ben run around the big green grass field at the park, it is time for Ben to drink his water.  After that, it's time to go back home.

Once we get home after 11am, It's a mad dash for Ben to get ready for naptime.  I make a quick sanck for him to eat and a warm bottle of milk to suck down.  That way, he can go to sleep by 11:30 in the morning.  Once he goes down for a nappy nap, I get his lunch ready for his trip to daycare.

Just after 1pm, it's a mad dash to get him up and ready for daycare.  I hate to do it to him, but I wake him up before he's really ready to be up.  I change his diaper and clothes, pack the Rogue with our stuff, and GO!

I get Ben to daycare by 1:30 pm and then let his caregivers know what needs to be done for him when he's there.

I take off and I listen to my combo of SiriusXM and FM radio on my way to work.  It's not quite a sprint to get to CBS46 on time by 2:30pm.  Otherwise, I would get a ticket for my speedy work.

Once I'm at WGCL-TV, I put my food away, get my cup of coffee, a quick snack, and some water.  In my edit bay, I get set up by turning my AVID machine on, turn on the two DVD recorders and change out the discs for recording the day's newscasts.

I don't think that anything remarkable happened at work today.  I don't think anything bad happened either.  No news is good news in my line of work.  I tried to do a good job and practice my writing.  If I want to be a producer, I have to buckle down, put the Candy Crush away, read, read the news, and start writing some stories in my best conversational voice.

Near the end of my shift, I had to think about budgets and budgeting.  I sucked it up and decided that it was time for me to make a proposed budget.  I would be for a 28 day period for April and May.  PAIN AWAITS.  No Pain, No Gain.

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