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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Journal Entry for Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Before we all see my family for the first time this trip, Ben and Blake get some quality brotherly playing time on one of the beds.

Finally, my mom gets to meet Blake for the first time.  She's seen him in pictures, but she has never seen him up close until now.  My mom and my sister Helen were in our room to see us on this day.  Before we all got together, I had to rustle up Ben from the lobby.  He was getting mad as he wanted to have his way in the lobby.  He wanted to play and stand on the chairs and he wanted to turn the lights on and off.  He even wanted to run around in the lobby where it's frowned upon.  I had to apologize to my family that Ben was not acting on his best behavior.  I felt defeated in front of my own family.  Ben was starting to come around and act right in front of everyone.  Here are some pictures of our gathering in the hotel.

Before the boys got their nap, Ben was throwing down a major fit.  He was mad, angry, ill, mean, and sad.  Something made him sick and I don't know what it could have been.  We tried getting both the boys into the pool, but Ben wasn't having any of it.  Ben didn't want to go in because he wasn't feeling well.  Blake got some time in the pool, but not too much.  After we had a fun and productive visit, we all took a light nap in our room.

Later on in the evening, we visit my sister Gena and my mom at their homes.  We all got to have fun with our family, and Ben turned the lights on and off.  My niece Shannon got to see the guys up close.  Blake was enjoying his time with our family.  Ben wanted to turn on the lights.  In between our home visits, We got to walk in the big back yard and look at frogs and ducks.  We got to feed them when we were outside.  After we visited my family, we had a last-minute meal from Sonic.  I saw a deal on half-price cheeseburgers and I jumped on it.  We're enjoying the yummy fast food that we're eating, but it will catch up with us someday soon.  Until then, we enjoy ourselves and get back out there again tomorrow.

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