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Monday, September 17, 2018

Dreaming of Burger King

Last Night, I had a dream where I was in line at a local Burger King.

I stood in line with a co-worker and Miami Heat player Dwyane Wade.  I was going to order a triple cheeseburger with mayonnaise and a soda.  I was getting ready to pay for it before someone already paid it forward for me.  Right then, I didn't know if I should pay it forward to the next person.  So I did nothing.

I go to the soda fountain to pour some Coke Zero with a little lime.  I drink that, and then I go to the soda fountain again.  Only the next time, I pour some Mello Yello.  I love soda.  I could drink a fast food restaurant out of its entire soft drink supply if I wanted to.

Later on in the dream, I was waiting for my burger to arrive.  Keep in mind I was still inside a Burger King.  I could almost taste the Whopper-like sandwich in my mouth.  Minutes later, I saw someone say my last name (IRWIN) as if he was delivering my food to me.

This was different.  Someone wearing a McDonald's uniform called my name for a triple cheeseburger.  Needless to say I did not take the food and waited endlessly for my Burger King burger.

After that, I transitioned to a new dream.

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