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Monday, September 17, 2018

Dreaming of some absolution

After my Burger King dream from last night, I had another dream about returning to CNN again.

In my dream, I returned to the 5th floor of the CNN Center inside the wonderful world of Media Operations.  I returned to the place where I used to work for nine of the last 11 years with the cable news network.

Before I started to work on my first edit assignment or check into iNews on my computer, I could see someone familiar out in the distance.  That man was one of my former managers in Media Operations.

He was the man who hired me to be an editor in 2002.  I showed up to make a triumphant return to CNN after a 7 year hiatus from the network.  I think he was smiling at me, patting me on the back, happy to see me, and even high-fiving me upon my return.  I was excited to get back to work and show the world I was a serious CNN worker once again.

Even some of my former Edit Supervisors and Senior Media Producers were happy that I came back and that I had the right attitude to get the work done.

In reality, my comeback to CNN is not to be.  I don't think I'll ever see my former manager again, and I don't know if I can rise to the level I once gained while working for CNN. 

I will work hard for my family and I will do better in not taking my job for granted again.

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