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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dreaming of weekends off

This was one of those dreams that I didn't have while I was asleep at anytime.  It's a dream that I think about, wish about, daydream about, and occasionally pray about.

Last weekend, I had to leave my wife and new son behind while I had to go to work.  I do that every weekend, but this past weekend was especially hard for me.

Last weekend, my wife, son, and I visited her family in Middle Georgia for the weekend.  I had a wonderful time being there on Thursday Night, all of Friday, and Saturday Morning.

I felt really bad that I had to leave in the middle of a gathering with our friends and their newborn daughter.

It's a ritual that I will have to carry on for a while.  I hope to not have to repeat this for a long time.  I can do it for maybe a few more years.

I promise myself that I will be there for Ben's soccer games, baseball games, Saturday and Sunday activities, and anything else he and our entire family want to do.

If trading my current job for a job that gives me weekends off, then that is what I'm willing to do.

I've lived my dream job of working in Television and watching television at work for more than 14 years now.  I believe that it is time for me to put on some big boy work clothes and be a real worker like most Americans are today.

Let my dreams begin.

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