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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dreaming of winning $4,000

Saturday Morning, I had a dream where I won $4,000 in "The Price is Right" 'Check Game.'  I don't know what additional prize I won in the game, but I had a check for $4,000 waiting to be deposited.

Later on in my dream, I was moving along on what appeared to be a cable car in Phoenix, Arizona.  I think I was headed towards Mesa without a particular destination in mind.  I was floating along on a ride.  Midway through the dream, I told myself that I was dreaming.  Surely this $4,000 would not be mine in a few hours.

I was envisioning myself taking that check to my credit union and depositing it for the good of my family.  I was imaging thousands of the things I could do with the additional cash.  Spending it wildly was not one of them.

In the end, my baby boy and my cat woke me up and I was not $4,000 richer.  I'm at the same spot I was when I went to sleep on Friday.

I still watch "The Price is Right" in the mornings when I'm at home.  I'm getting baby Ben to watch with me.  I am a huge fan of any pricing game that offers up a car.  My favorite game is the 'Dice Game.'

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