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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Finally, something new in the dream department, a trip to California

First of all, the dream department has run dry for a long time.  Last Night/This Morning was the first dream that I can remember in weeks.  I can now write a little bit about it.

I found myself inside the small terminal of the El Centro/Imperial Valley Regional Airport.  First of all, I found myself in El Centro, California.  El Centro is one of those cities to pass through in order to get to where you want to go.  Sometimes I'd stop and get a bite to eat in real life or get gasoline.

Inside the small airport, I was looking to catch a flight to Phoenix for some reason.  I didn't know what I was going there for or why I was going there.  All I knew was that I was going to go to Phoenix.

Just before I boarded my flight, I went outside and I saw a big walkway on the side where I enter the airport.  Seconds later, I look up, and I see a highway sign that had the state of "Kentucky" just above a set of black and white numbers over it.  I expect to see a green highway sign with white numbering with the state of "California" over it when I'm in California.

In reality:  I haven't been to California since 2008 and the closest to California I'll come is either on TV or when I go back to Arizona for a visit within the next 2 years.

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