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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

I had a weird dream of Snow and I-75 in Atlanta this morning

This morning I had a weird combo dream.  I had a dream where I was in a 'Walking Dead' episode where it was snowing outside early in the morning and I was climbing the Northbound lanes of I-75.

I was literally on my hands and knees in the snow and ice where I-75 may as well have been a mountain.  It was at an area in Atlanta near the Akers Mill Road HOV exit just before I would cross through I-285 in Cobb County.  I felt a little shaky but focused and resolved in achieving my goal of getting to my destination.  I assumed my destination was home in Acworth, GA, but that was not made clear in my dream.

I sometimes wondered if my climb was going to be worth it, but in the end, I realized something:  I woke up.  In reality, I haven't driven in severe snow and Ice since early 2014, my commutes are fairly smooth to and from work, and I will be in warm weather here in Georgia until at least November.

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