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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Journal Entry for Week in Review for June 13, 2016 - June 19, 2016

On Tuesday, my boys say Happy Flag Day in their own special way.

See more of my good pictures below.  I got to be a part of Ben and Blake having a good meal on Thursday.  I fed Ben either Chicken Nuggets or Fish Sticks.  I'm getting better at feeding Blake more table/people food.  I'm slowly weening him off of puffs and all assorted baby food.  Blake is going to be a great eater just like his daddy and older brother.  Even Gandalf (not pictured) is a good eater too.

See below:  my boys had some outside time before I had to go into work today on Friday, June 17, 2016.

The boys will warm up, I mean, cool off, to the idea of playing in the little kiddie pool before you know it.  I'm looking forward to the time I can splash water with my two boys and love it.

Saturday was my best day to do "Father's Day" with my family.  My wife already gave me my two best gifts of all time:  Ben and Blake.  We all went out for a buffet lunch at this new place in Kennesaw, GA.  I forget the name of it at the moment.  I'll look it up later on.

Ben got some chicken nuggets and Chinese food among other things.  He even made a hot mess with some ice cream I fed him.  After we ate and took naps, we played a lot.  We played blanket transport.  Ben sat on a little blanket and I pulled him along in the room.  We had a ball.  If I didn't get so dizzy, I would have played even more.  Blake had fun toting around some non-toys around, but it made him happy.  There were times Ben and Blake even played nicely together.  They played with the monkey ball toy and it didn't scare Ben at all.  It's moments like that which make parenting the best job in the world.

The next day would be more challenging.  It would be Father's Day and I would not be able to spend all day with my family.  I had to go to work to fill in for some overtime.  I missed my boys all day long when I was working here at the station.   The highlight of my day was spending time with my two little guys.  Hearing them smile, squeak, and laugh together made my day.  It was worth way more than all the overtime I'll ever earn.  I'll be back for more fun next week on here.

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