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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Journal Entry for the week in review of June 5, 2016 - June 12, 2016

It was a return to normalcy after we returned to Acworth after a long week of traveling to and from Memphis and Locust Grove, Oklahoma.  We did laundry, played with the boys, ate some healthy food, and relaxed in front of the TV.

Some of the pictures above show Ben playing a lot.  He played with Blake on the little bike in the living room.  What you don't see is Ben playing with his brand new toy, a light switch that our cousin April bought and built when we were in Memphis.  You see the toy above some of the above pictures.
Ben and Blake played together some of the time.  We even went outside for a short time while it was not so bloody hot.  Ben will get better at listening to me and kicking the soccer ball out in the back yard.  Ben was really good at playing Ben in a box.

Overall, It was good to have a day of being home before we all had to get back to the daily grind again starting on Monday.

We are all getting ready for Monday in our own special way.  Below, there are some pictures that show how much fun we had on Monday before I had to go into work.  On Monday, nothing stands out in the way of being at work other than the fact I was back at work and nothing changed in the way of basic news operations.  I just re-remembered, this was the first day back at work where I was no longer working under my old News Director Larry Perret.

Tuesday was a pretty good day.  I got to spend some quality time with my boys before I had to go into work.  Once again, I don't feel that I had a good day at work.  It made me bad because feeds were going in late and I was making stupid mistakes in my editing.  Other than that, I blocked out everything else that was going on at work on this day.

Wednesday is not memorable to me here.  I edited a top 5 something or another for Sports here at CBS46, but I don't remember.  See?  Also, I didn't do any writing for the shows this trip down.  I just didn't have it in me to want to write for the night.

Thursday was spent with my family and I playing and eating together.  See my lovely pictures up above.

See my pictures Below.  Friday was the first time I ever took Ben and Blake to a Chick-Fil-A by myself.  We ate, played, and ate a little more.  I'm going to get better and work out the kinks of transporting the boys by hand or stroller by myself.

Just for fun on the picture above, I got one of my colleagues to take a picture of me holding a CBS46 microphone.  Maybe one day I will dream of being a TV reporter.  I seem very, very happy being in front of the camera.  I'm sure my personality will beg to differ.  My TV dreams will be further tested as I had to work on a Sunday Afternoon as I had to edit video from the aftermath of the Orlando Nightclub Shooting.  Thankfully I had a date night with my wife to get me through and carry me through while taking in bad news on TV.  I'll be back for more next week.

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