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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Journal Entry for April 26, 2015

I can't remember anything significant about this day today.  I would like to remember that I had a good time with Kelly and Ben.  I hope I served them both well.  More importantly, I hope that I served the LORD well.

One of my favorite things to do on a Sunday Morning is to go to the local convenience store and pick up some goodies.  I like to go buy a Sunday Paper (MARIETTA DAILY JOURNAL), a cup of coffee, a lottery ticket or two, and a "Fizzie" for my wife.  Buying a Sunday newspaper is a throwback for me.  I used to do that a lot as a kid, a college student, a CNN editor, and again today.

I think in some way, I am part of a dying breed.  I am one of the last people left in the world that goes to pay money to buy a newspaper.  I even read it.  There is something special, something magical about opening up the contents of what is inside the Sunday paper.  I can expect some well-written in-depth pieces, a wonderful sports page, TV guide, and some coupons.  Oh do I love some coupons.

Also, there isn't anything much better than a warm sip of fresh coffee that came brewed out of the convenience store coffee dispensers.  Just a bit of milk (of cream), sweet & low, and a stir, and I am all set.  I'm ready to drink.  I'm stoked when I have that warm beverage running down my throat.  That stream of coffee is flowing smoothly down the Irwin Canal.  I think I'm about to go get another cup.

The hardest part of my day is coming soon.  I am having to leave my wife and son behind for the day.  I must do so in order to get to work on time.  I'd honestly rather be home with the both of them.  Until my day comes to where I have weekends off, I have to make do with the time I have available.

It's usually a mad dash to the finish, err, to get to WGCL-TV/CBS46.  I'm always cutting it close as far as making it to work on time.  I'm hoping I'll have some good things to read, messages to see, and good games to watch.

I'm hoping that I'm more aware of what's going on in the news.  I want to be a good note-taker while maintaining my good work as an editor.  

I'm getting excited for the arrival of my son Blake.  I can't wait to meet him and hear what he has to say.  I can only wish he will be an easier baby than Ben was.  I can't wait to hold him, hug him, kiss him, and get him a bunch of little teddy bears.  

I look forward to the day I can get him with a bear in the face.  I'm waiting for you little Blake.

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